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Not addressing
Problem Gambling can be
Disastrous for your Business


Legal Penalties and Fines

This UK gambling operator, was fined £17 million for 'widespread and alarming' social responsibility failures in the year 2022

Depending on the jurisdiction, when operators are found non-compliant with responsible gaming initiatives, they face significant legal penalties, including substantial fines that can reach millions of dollars.

In some cases, non-compliance can even lead to the suspension or revocation of gaming licenses.


Financial and Reputational Burden of Problem Gambling

$14 Billion/yr

Estimated national social cost of Problem Gambling in the US, as of Dec 2023.



Participants in Nevada believed that the gambling industry should do more to help people with gambling addiction.


2.5 million

U.S. adults (1%) experiencing severe gambling problems each year.


Over 60%

NCPG survey participants agreed that it is crucial for sports betting operators to implement responsible gambling measures.


Why identification of Problem Gamblers is Crucial


Problem Gamblers might initially generate high revenues. However, their eventual financial instability can lead to the loss of them as long-term loyal customers.

When you protect your Early Identified Problem Gamblers through measures like Self-Exclusion, Gaming Reality Check, Time Limits, Deposit Limits, and Credit Card Restrictions, you help prevent addiction and safeguard their financial and mental health.

Additional tools such as Cooling-Off Periods, Gameplay Reminders, Anonymous Play, and Social Interaction Monitoring further ensure a responsible gaming environment, supporting both your player well-being and sustained business success.

Normal and Problem Gambling Behavior can look Similar on the Surface.

Challenges in Identifying Problem Gamblers

Behaviors are Complex

Different players may exhibit different signs of Problem Gambling, and not every player displays the same set of behaviors.

It is difficult to pinpoint Problem Gamblers because of the varied patterns/behaviors they might show -

  • Frequent and Intense Gambling Sessions
  • Chasing Losses
  • Emotional Distress

Lack of Disclosure

Problem Gamblers might hide their struggles due to fear of getting blocked, making it hard for operators to detect them.

Many Problem Gamblers don't know or don’t realise that they have an underlying problem, and therefore, don't seek help or acknowledge their behavior.

Limited and Complex Data

There is Insufficient data for operators to track gambling patterns. They lack detailed information of a player, which could be the key indicators of problem gambling.

Regulatory Limitations

Privacy laws and data protection regulations limit the extent to which operators can monitor and analyze player behaviors.

Even when data is available, interpreting it accurately to identify problem gambling patterns can be complex.

Training your Employees

The ability to identify and respond to Problem Gambling signs varies based on the training and experience of your employees.

Limited and Complex Data

There is Insufficient data for operators to track gambling patterns. They lack detailed information of a player, which could be the key indicators of problem gambling.

Even when data is available, interpreting it accurately to identify problem gambling patterns can be complex.

Regulatory Limitations

Privacy laws and data protection regulations limit the extent to which operators can monitor and analyze player behaviors.

Training your Employees

The ability to identify and respond to Problem Gambling signs varies based on the training and experience of your employees.

Overall, the identification process requires a combination of behavioral monitoring, data analysis and human judgement, all of which have inherent limitations.

Establish and maintain trust throughout your player's lifecycle with GAMWIT’s AI.

Addressing complex and challenging issues like responsible gaming and addiction requires collaboration between gaming operators and predictive AI models like GAMWIT, paving the way for ethical and responsible marketing strategies.


GAMWIT’s Approach to help you with Player Protection

Behavior Based - Not Rule Based

Instead of using rule based methods, GAMWIT uses advanced AI/ML algorithms to identify behavioral patterns of potential Problem Gamblers. This can help operators intervene even before the gambler's behavior becomes problematic.

GAMWIT compares the players’ past behavior with the current behavior and also with other players to check for anomalies.


Multiple Harm Markers for Identification

GAMWIT scans the players with a recognized framework for Markers of Harm.

This framework is based on several behavioral markers of harm. The markers are behavioural patterns, any deviation in which could indicate a risk of Problem Gambling or Addiction.

Large Datasets Analyzed Instantly

GAMWIT checks player-wise betting patterns, gaming and non-gaming activities based on large volumes of data.

Our Proprietary Feature Factory, developed in-house from decades of experience in the iGaming industry, enhances the prediction accuracy.


Dynamic Risk Assessment

GAMWIT creates personalized risk profiles for gamblers by analyzing their unique behavior.
It can continuously update a gambler's risk score based on new data and any behavioral changes, providing a dynamic and evolving assessment of their behavior.

Automated Interventions

GAMWIT can automatically flag high-risk gamblers for review or direct intervention by customer support teams, ensuring timely action.

Based on the inputs from our model, you can send personalized messages to the gamblers, warning them about risky behavior.

Regulatory Compliance

GAMWIT can help operators comply with regulatory requirements by automating the reporting of suspicious activities.

It can also ensure that all relevant data is captured and analyzed consistently.

Establish and maintain trust throughout your player's lifecycle with GAMWIT’s AI.


Addressing complex and challenging issues like responsible gaming and addiction requires collaboration between gaming operators and predictive AI models like GAMWIT, paving the way for ethical and responsible marketing strategies.

GAMWIT’s Approach to help you with Player Protection


Behavior Based - Not Rule Based

Instead of using rule based methods, GAMWIT uses advanced AI/ML algorithms to identify behavioral patterns of potential Problem Gamblers. This can help operators intervene even before the gambler's behavior becomes problematic.

GAMWIT compares the players’ past behavior with the current behavior and also with other players to check for anomalies.

Multiple Harm Markers for Identification

GAMWIT scans the players with a recognized framework for Markers of Harm.

This framework is based on several behavioral markers of harm. The markers are behavioural patterns, any deviation in which could indicate a risk of Problem Gambling or Addiction.

Large Datasets Analyzed Instantly

GAMWIT checks player-wise betting patterns, gaming and non-gaming activities based on large volumes of data.

Our Proprietary Feature Factory, developed in-house from decades of experience in the iGaming industry, enhances the prediction accuracy.


Dynamic Risk Assessment

GAMWIT creates personalized risk profiles for gamblers by analyzing their unique behavior.
It can continuously update a gambler's risk score based on new data and any behavioral changes, providing a dynamic and evolving assessment of their behavior.

Automated Interventions

GAMWIT can automatically flag high-risk gamblers for review or direct intervention by customer support teams, ensuring timely action.

Based on the inputs from our model, you can send personalized messages to the gamblers, warning them about risky behavior.

Regulatory Compliance

GAMWIT can help operators comply with regulatory requirements by automating the reporting of suspicious activities.

It can also ensure that all relevant data is captured and analyzed consistently.


Player Behavior is Dynamic

They vary from:

Game to Game

Company to Company

Demography to Demography

Geography to Geography

The set of behaviors that flag a player as a "Problem Gambler" on your platform may not necessarily be the same for another platform.

Since our model trains on your data, it identifies those behaviors that are specific and relevant to your players.

GAMWIT’s AI Adapts Dynamically

The cognitive capabilities of the GAMWIT's AI detect changes in behaviors of Problem Gamers over time.

It then adjusts the model to efficiently adapt and improve accuracy of prediction.


This is almost impossible for a human to do without any bias.

GAMWIT’s AI Adapts Dynamically


The cognitive capabilities of the GAMWIT's AI detect changes in behaviors of Problem Gamers over time.

It then adjusts the model to efficiently adapt and improve accuracy of prediction.


This is almost impossible for a human to do without any bias.

Business Benefits for Proactive Responsible Gaming Initiatives


Players are more likely to trust and remain loyal to you when you prioritize their well-being, leading to long-term customer retention.


Reduced risk of penalties, or loss of gaming licenses.


Proactively addressing responsible gaming helps ensure compliance with regulations.


Better community relations and contribute positively to social welfare.


Plug and Play Solution -
No Technical Expertise

Our Responsible Gaming Model is a Plug-and-Play Solution that your Marketing, Finance, Risk, and Compliance team can use without any experience or skill in data analytics or technical know-how.

This allows you to identify and categorize these potential problem gamers early in your risk and mitigation program, saving time and resources.

Works with all Data Formats

Our dedicated team of experts, helps integrate your gaming data with GAMWIT, no matter where, how and in what format you are collecting or storing it.


Runs Automatically, so you can Focus on Growth!


Once integrated, GAMWIT is automatic! It delivers individual player wise Predictions to your Risk, Marketing, and Customer Assistance team, scientifically and consistently.

We can also help you integrate GAMWIT with your CRM Systems.

You completely eliminate human bias, or guesswork, because this is data driven - data that is specific to you!

Plug and Play Solution - No Technical Expertise Necessary!


Our Responsible Gaming Model is a Plug-and-Play Solution that your Marketing, Finance, Risk, and Compliance team can use without any experience or skill in data analytics or technical know-how.

This allows you to identify and categorize these potential problem gamers early in your risk and mitigation program, saving time and resources.

Works with all Data Formats


Our dedicated team of experts, helps integrate your gaming data with GAMWIT, no matter where, how and in what format you are collecting or storing it.

Runs Automatically, so you can Focus on Growth!


Once integrated, GAMWIT is automatic! It delivers individual player wise Predictions to your Risk, Marketing, and Customer Assistance team, scientifically and consistently.

We can also help you integrate GAMWIT with your CRM Systems.

You completely eliminate human bias, or guesswork, because this is data driven - data that is specific to you!